Aerakvos, a home water unit, has a similar construction to the solar one.
It also consists of several layers of material, which is easy to get and low cost. Instead of solar heat, electrically generated heat is produced by a simple flat heater. An ordinary fan generates the circulation of air.
There are no compressors, refrigeration units, special filters requiring regular exchange, etc.
Aerakvos home units can be produced at a low cost using only conventional technology.
The home unit provides the comfort of having high-quality, safe drinking water at hand without buying packed water and generating plastic waste. According to the country, the home unit pays for itself in few months.
Easy, low-cost construction will cover the world’s requirement for pure water and result in almost unlimited market potential and growth.
The success of the new water from air technology depends on the simplicity of construction, accessible technology of production, low cost, and broad availability of construction materials.
Large-scale production is easy and can be performed in currently available machines and technology.
It seems evident that a meager cost and long-life installations will lead to quick spread technology.
The new technology might also open the possibility of colonization of places without any water source. Water in connection with hydroponic cultures can produce food anywhere.
The vast majority of home water generators use the condensation of water on cold surfaces. Standard refrigerator machines achieve only partial cooling of incoming air. Therefore the water cannot be removed entirely from the air.
The condensed water contains all impurities present in the air stream. It is, therefore, a condensed smog.
Drinking such water is dangerous, and therefore, it must be purified in several steps. This comprises frequently reverse osmosis, ozone or UV treatment, several microfilters, carbon filters, etc. These filters must be serviced regularly, and they increase water costs.
Low efficiency, high costs combined with complicated systems and technology make such systems less competitive.
Physical principles: WELL KNOWN
Water quality: HIGHEST