Economic Advantages of the Aerakvos technology

This unique technology allows producing very pure water with the simplest and lowest-cost structures almost everywhere. As the system is passive, no fans, refrigerator units, or other machines are needed.

Clean water is produced in place without costly water pipelines.

Highest quality and no contaminants.

– Cost down to 0.02 USD/l.

It can run automatically, and a solar panel with a battery is enough to provide needed electricity for regulating a whole water field.

Safe technology for humans and nature.

– Pure glycerin available everywhere at a low cost.

A water field of 100 × 100 m can provide up to 50 000 l of pure water per day.

Since water absorption can occur during the night and water recovery during the day, water can be generated even in deserts, where the relative air humidity is high during the night.

Water can also be produced by electrical home units without compressors, filters, and other additional water treatment. They are of low cost and can efficiently replace bottled water. A 4 to 10 l/day unit will pay for itself in 6 to 12 months.

The technology is patented worldwide, and thus investors and partners are protected against unlawful activities.

A unique model based on hourly weather data is used to predict the water productivity in a given place.

The new technology also opens the possibility of colonization of places without any water source. Water in connection with hydroponic cultures can produce food anywhere.

It will be a big jump in quality of life for hundreds of million people and even more significant business opportunities!


Physical principles: WELL KNOWN

Water quality: HIGHEST